well my time in abbotsford is almost up! i have been "back home" (its kinda weird cause it really doesnt feel like home anymore even though i grew up here for so many years) for over a week now and its been tons of fun. i got to hang out with allot of old friends and see my family who i havent seen for the most part since the end of august. my cousin sara got married on saturday so i had a blast at her wedding and even getting ready for it with my little sister. spent a couple of nights at my little sisters place in kerrisdale down in vancouver which was great, i got to see where she works and just hang out with her at her place... very surreal. my cousin jess and her fiance adam came out to van because we were planning on going up to cyprus (sp?) for the day to go showshoeing but it didnt pan out because of rain (i have realized how much i love the dry cold SUNNY weather in AB rather than being a drowned rat out here on the coast this week, sorry!) but we hung out in vancouver... had some fun on granville island and had some good laughs. ive spent some down time at my parents place and got to see my cousin mark and his wife bonnie last night and play with their son ben who i have posted some adorable pics of. and of course i have visited with all of the grandparents and spent some one on one time with my parents, gone out for dinner to our favorite places and stuff like that. oh! and hung out with my brother and sister in law. im looking forward to this summer when i will be around more than just 10 days and joben will be with me. i have been realizing just how much that guy is my absolute best friend in life. with him being out of town it has been really hard but kinda cool too because its definitly making our hearts grown fonder for each other (didnt know that was possible!) well, wnough of the mushy stuff. joben is doing fin up in the far north of alberta, it was really hard on him at first and struggled with working rediculous hours with no time off and on top of that having nothing familiar around him except the guy he is working with and missing me too. hes kinda getting the hang of things i think, the logging camp where he is staying sounds suprisingly nice and he is fed well and everything and i have made plans to go see him about two and a half weeks and then again in march so things seem a little easier to bear with looking forward to that. plans for the summer are awesome too look forard to too. my sister in law is graduating from trinity in april (yay anya!!) and joben will be done this job by then so we will be able to all celebrate together then (my parents in law are comming out from NC for a couple of weeks then too!) and then joben is doing a short stint of foremaning up planting for the last time this summer and i will be visiting him lots in princegeorge as well as hanging out at my parents place up in the okanogan and camping with friends and stuff. we are going to be spending mid-end of june in southern bc and im much anticipating my cousin jess's wedding in june (pics of her and her fiance adam are bellow!) then july will be in alberta where joben will be working a contract that month but i will be with him so that will be awesome and august is pretty much off so we will be hangning around be for the first half and NC for jobens 10 year highschool reunion with TONS of peru friends that he hasnt seen forever there so yeah, this summer seems to look like its going to be a GREAT time. it makes times like these a little easier to bear looking forward to a summer like THAT. anyways, ill quit boring you with all of this mumbo jumbo... hope you enjoy my photos of this past week! it was lots of fun and a still haev a couple of days left, lucky me!!!
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