think i was blind before i met you...

just a place full of randomness about my life

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Location: B.C., Canada

Thursday, February 22, 2007

a few pics of joben at work

some pics of joben at work way up in northern alberta...hes technically called a level 1 NDT operator (nuclear devices technical operator) which just means that he knows allot about science and radiation and he takes lots of pictures all day in teh freexing cold of welds with his fancy and very heavy radioactive x-ray camera. cool huh? ha.
the very first one is of us on the last night i was there... while i was there they worked their longest days ever since being up there which was rough and you can see it on jobens face... he looks sooo tired.
the next few are of him working with the x ray camera on the pipeline...
there is one of him all bundled up and then a couple of pics of a fox. joben said that a couple of weeks ago they were working at a job a few km away and one of the guys said he foudn this dead fox so he went to cut off the tail because he collects them or somthing and when he cut it off the fox jumped up and ran away! now at least two weeks later and a good 5 km away this fox with no tail shows up and comes up to joben and is all friendly... he just kinda hung out with him.. you would think that if it was the same fox he would be scared of people so it was pretty weird.
it was SO good to see him... it was day 37 of not seeing joben so it was a much needed reunion but it was tough only spending a couple of hours at the end of the day with him... oh well only a month and a half to go! ... and then comes tree planting- oh joy. well, june will bring normalness again. i can hardly wait... and by the look of jobens face in the first pic- neither can he!